Coming to a Close

Picture of Mysson Victor
Mysson Victor

Mysson Victor believes in the power of the pen and audacious ideas that move the needle. He is the founder of iRead and runs other digital publications, including Moneyspace, Kenya AI, and Syllee.

Coming to a Close story by Mysson Victor
Mysson Victor

I am because we are

This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series Mysson's Thoughts

Unlike many years flown by, I walked into this one without any particular desire, manifesto, or executable plans.

I embraced the art of letting go of control; not necessarily jumping in the water and allowing it to take me to wherever it may, but having a deeper understanding that sometimes great things happen when we’re not looking. When you’re playing with the wind, or taking a stroll in a land that’s innocently foreign, or cuddling children and telling stories that never were.

So I wandered, as far as I could, cherishing every moment that flew by. I stopped looking for answers and started rewriting my storylines; giving meaning to every sentiment.

I stopped trying to be tough when the going got rough. Instead, I resorted to the person I am at the core, knowing that strength sometimes involves allowing yourself to break. I engaged in vulnerable conversations and stopped making promises to call or text. I showed up. In person.

This year showed me that presence beats all the other languages of love and concern. From parties, graduations, and farewells, I found a reason to be there. They say if it’s important to you, you’ll make time, and no matter the means, you’ll somehow always arrive.

I am not there yet, not even close. We still don’t have the center for total dreamers and makers, I haven’t been in the graduation gown yet, haven’t purchased a ranch with a hundred and one horses, yet, and neither have I taken my sister to Disney World or watched someone walk down the aisle yet.

While I admit my dreams have always been wild, I’ve never at once doubted their possibilities. But even in the pursuit, I’ve learned to wait, to be a little bit more patient.

The year is coming to a close and it’s not uncommon to feel that you didn’t do as much. However, if you strip the societal measurements of ‘much’ off the year’s achievements, then you sure did do much. You showed up, you made do.

What didn’t happen this year, wasn’t meant for this year. So don’t beat yourself up, or rush things to meet the 31st Dec ‘year-line.’ Instead, be grateful for the moments that this year spurred and look forward to the chances and possibilities that lie ahead of you.

How you choose to enter 2025 is as important as the type of person you aim to become in the year.

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