365 Chances

Picture of Mysson Victor
Mysson Victor

Mysson Victor believes in the power of the pen and audacious ideas that move the needle. He is the founder of iRead and runs other digital publications, including Moneyspace, Kenya AI, and Syllee.

365 Chances 2019
Mysson Victor

I am because we are

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Mysson's Thoughts

I wish I could take this chance to usher you into a year of no insurmountable struggle. I wish I could tell you that 2020 is going to be the year that all of your out-of-this-world dreams will come true.

I wish, that for some reason, I could tell my good friend Mulila Ayaantu that her words will finally find solace in the so-called Mr.Right, or that her desire to see children in children’s homes have better living conditions will be fulfilled, or that Eunniah ‘s Breaking Down will hit the Nairobi’s Bestseller list, or that the land for the Writers’ Center will be acquired this year, don’t mention this to Dinda and Vera Omwocha

I wish I could call Douglas the Penguin and tell him that his Know Your Studies will be the go-to resource for every college student, or that Scholar’s untold mind will finally hit the bookshelves.

I want to write to Jodo and tell him that Rabbii TS will tutor 100,000 students nationwide come next year and that Grace may walk down the aisle, or Eric‘s The Propeller’s Show will hit 100K subscribers

I want to phone my crush and tell her that she might have a boyfriend after all. I want to tell my mum to prepare another gourd because we going to be us plus one.

I wish I could, without doubt, tell every dreamer that this year things will work out for them, that their prayers have been answered, and that it’s their year of dominion.

But I can’t do that. What I can do is tell you that this year will be another 365 chances for you to try again. Harder. Smarter. Wisely. To build your dream one second at a time.

To dream again if you must, because, in the end, it’s going to be okay.

To keep smiling, even when it’s hurting. To engage in vulnerable conversations, to throw yourself out there, in the center, not the periphery. To dance to your own tune. To embrace your flaws. To hurt and heal when necessary. To fail and start again. To learn to unlearn. To dream. To be. And to take people along.

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