Jackson Biko: The Creative Force Behind Bikozulu

Jackson Biko Published Author Profile

Jackson Biko is a well-known writer from Kenya who has captured many readers’ attention.

His unique storytelling style, wit, and humor make his works stand out. Many people know him by his pen name, Bikozulu, under which he writes engaging blogs and thoughtful books.

Jackson Biko’s writing reflects the nuances of Kenyan life, resonating with his audience through relatable characters and introspective narratives.

His latest book, “Let Me Call You Back,” demonstrates his ability to tell deeply personal and widely relatable stories, making it a must-read for fans and newcomers alike.

For those looking to dive deeper into his works, his blog Bikozulu offers a mixture of humor and insight into everyday experiences.

Literary career

Biko is highly regarded for his creative writing style and his contributions to journalism. His work crosses genres, resonating with readers through books and articles.

Published works

Biko has authored several noteworthy books.

His first book, Drunk,” introduced readers to his distinct narrative style. Another significant work, “Let Me Call You Back,” captures readers with its introspective storytelling.

Biko’s books often explore themes that mirror everyday struggles, making them relatable and engaging. Besides books, he has a popular blog where he shares short stories and essays.

His ability to blend humor, wit, and deep reflections has made his writing stand out.


In journalism, Biko has made a significant mark. He writes columns for The Saturday Nation and Business Daily newspapers. His journalism career began with contributions to True Love Magazine and Yummy Magazine.

Biko is known for his thoughtful and often humorous columns, reaching a broad audience.

Msafiri Magazine also features his travel stories, which showcase his ability to capture the essence of places and cultures.

His journalistic work complements his literary efforts, offering readers a wide range of content.

Personal Philosophy

Jackson Biko’s personal philosophy encompasses a candid and insightful view on life, relationships, and maintaining mental health.

He often intertwines humor, love, and pain to explore complex human emotions and experiences.

On life and relationships

Biko navigates life and relationships with a blend of humor and sincerity.

He believes in facing life’s situations with courage, acknowledging that pain and tragedy are inevitable but manageable components of the human experience.

For him, travel is not just about seeing new places but discovering aspects of oneself and one’s relationships.

Family and love are central themes in his reflections. He writes about the intricacies of relationships, from the lies we sometimes tell to protect loved ones to the raw honesty required for deep connections.

Biko emphasizes the importance of understanding and communicating feelings, seeing them as the glue that holds relationships together.

Musings on mental health

Jackson Biko regularly addresses the importance of mental health, expressing the need to confront and understand one’s inner struggles.

He talks about the courage it takes to acknowledge mental health issues and the strength required to seek help. Humor plays a significant role in his approach, using it as a tool to cope with and discuss serious topics.

Biko also highlights the impact of mental health on personal and familial relationships. He discusses how mental health problems can be both a personal battle and a shared pain within families.

His writings encourage honest conversations about mental health, breaking down the stigma surrounding it and advocating for empathy and support for those affected.

Cultural impact

Jackson Biko, also known as Bikozulu, has made significant contributions to Kenyan society and culture through his writing. His work reflects the nuances of Kenyan life and resonates deeply with his readers.

Influence on Kenyan society

Jackson Biko’s writing delves into the subtleties of Kenyan life, capturing the essence of everyday struggles and the vibrancy of the culture.

His blog, Bikozulu, has become a must-read, providing insightful commentary on social issues. By highlighting the challenges and triumphs of ordinary Kenyans, he has fostered a sense of identity and pride among his audience.

His stories on the blog often explore themes like success, failure, and resilience, making them relatable to many.

Engagement with readers

Biko’s interaction with his readers is a key aspect of his cultural impact. Through his blog and social media presence, he maintains a direct line of communication with his audience.

The comment sections on his posts are often filled with lively discussions and personal reflections from readers who connect with his stories.

This engagement not only keeps his readers invested but also creates a community where people share their own experiences and insights.

Personal anecdotes

Jackson Biko, a celebrated writer from Nairobi, offers a glimpse into his life through his personal stories. His experiences with family and personal struggles shape his unique voice and depth in his writing.

Family and fatherhood

Biko often shares stories about his role as a father and husband. He reflects on the everyday moments of raising his children, balancing his responsibilities as a writer and a family man.

One touching anecdote involves his son’s curiosity about his work as a writer. Biko describes how he explains his job to his children, trying to instill in them a love for stories and imagination.

His relationship with his wife also features prominently in his work, where he writes about the challenges and joys of maintaining a strong partnership.

Family dynamics and the lessons he learns from them are a recurring theme. These insights give readers a window into the personal life of a man committed to nurturing his family while pursuing his passion for writing.

Personal struggles

Biko doesn’t shy away from discussing his battles with mental health, including periods of intense stress and contemplation of suicide. These confessions reveal a man struggling to find balance amidst the pressures of life.

His story of seeing a therapist for the first time is particularly moving. He shares the apprehension and relief of seeking professional help. This experience reshapes his outlook on mental health and underscores the importance of addressing these issues openly.

Employment issues also form part of his narrative. Biko discusses the pain of being let go from a job, describing what it means for a man to feel devalued. His writing in “Let Me Call You Back” mirrors this experience, adding authenticity and relatability to his voice.

Collaborations and contributions

Jackson Biko has made significant contributions to the Kenyan literary scene. He is well-known for his writing across various formats and platforms.

He collaborates frequently with Safaricom Foundation. He lends his voice to initiatives aimed at improving community welfare. His storytelling skills help highlight the foundation’s efforts in education, health, and environmental sustainability.

Biko has established himself as a brand in the writing community. He contributes to various publications including Msafiri Magazine, Kenya Airways’ in-flight magazine, and Yummy Magazine for Eat Out Kenya.

He often writes about charity work and community initiatives. His pieces in True Love Magazine and other outlets focus on uplifting stories and the importance of community support.

His book Drunk and his latest novel, Let Me Call You Back, further showcase his talent. These works delve deeply into Kenyan life, resonating with many readers.

In addition to his books, Biko’s online presence under the pen name Bikozulu attracts a large following, making him a key voice in Kenyan media.

With his clear and impactful storytelling, Jackson Biko continues to influence and contribute positively to Kenyan literature and beyond.

Explore more authors on iRead and discover the diverse voices shaping the literary landscape of Kenya.

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