How to Publish a Book in Kenya: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to publish a book in Kenya

Publishing a book in Kenya can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. If you’re a new author or even if you’ve been writing for years, you can follow clear steps to bring your book to life.

1) Write and edit your manuscript

Start with a strong manuscript: Your manuscript is the foundation of your book. Make sure it’s well-written and engaging.

Research your topic thoroughly if you are writing non-fiction or biographies. For fiction books, focus on developing strong characters and an engaging plot.

Pay attention to your grammar and pacing. Good grammar makes your writing clear, while proper pacing keeps readers interested.

Seek feedback from trusted peers or writers to refine your manuscript. Their insights can highlight areas that need improvement or further development.

Hire a professional editor: Editing is a crucial step in the publishing process. crucial. A professional editor can refine your manuscript, ensuring it’s free of grammatical errors and flows well.

Of course, this comes with some significant costs, but if you don’t, you’ll actually retreat it just after your book is printed.

Engaging with professional editors and proofreaders can make a significant difference. They provide valuable feedback on structure, coherence, and flow, and help catch typos and grammatical errors.

2) Choose your publishing route

There are two main routes to publishing your book in Kenya:


Advantages: You have full control over the content, design, and rights. You keep more of the profits.


  • Format your book: Ensure your manuscript is formatted correctly for both print and digital versions.
  • Finalize your book title: Selecting an attractive title is key. It should grab attention and be reflective of your book’s content. The title plays a crucial role in drawing in your audience.
  • Design a cover: Invest in a professional cover design. A good cover can significantly impact sales. Tools and services such as Canva and Adobe Suites can assist in creating a standout cover design. You can also hire someone on freelance platforms like Fiverr to design one for as low as $10
  • Get an ISBN: Apply for an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) through the Kenya National Library Service (KNLS).
  • Register for copyright via KECOBO
  • Print copies: Find a reputable printing service in Kenya. Examples include Longhorn Publishers, Moran Publishers, and East African Educational Publishers.
  • Publish digitally: Use platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) or local platforms to publish an eBook version.

Services like Writers Guild Kenya and iRead can help you with the process.

Traditional publishing

Advantages: The publisher handles most of the process, including editing, printing, and marketing. You benefit from their experience and resources.


  • Research publishers: Identify publishers that specialize in your genre. Notable publishers in Kenya include East African Educational Publishers, Moran Publishers, and Longhorn Publishers.
  • Submit your manuscript: Follow each publisher’s submission guidelines. Typically, this involves sending a query letter, synopsis, and sample chapters.
  • Negotiate a contract: If a publisher is interested, they’ll offer you a contract. Review it carefully, possibly with the help of a literary agent or lawyer.

3) Prep your manuscript for publishing

Formatting is essential for both eBooks and physical books.

For eBooks, use common file types like PDF, Mobi, or ePub. Platforms like KDP and Smashwords make it easy to upload your manuscript and get it published.

Physical book formatting involves layout design and typesetting.

You need to make sure your book’s interior looks professional. This includes choosing the right fonts and margins.

4) Legal considerations

Copyright your work: Register your book with the Kenya Copyright Board to protect your intellectual property.

This safeguards your work from unauthorized use.

Get an ISBN: Essential for both print and digital books, an ISBN uniquely identifies your book and helps with distribution.

To get an ISBN, you will need to apply via the Kenya National Library Service (knls).

5) Printing and production

Select a printer: If self-publishing, choose a reliable printer. Consider print quality, cost, and turnaround time.

You might also consider working with a printing service, since acquiring a printer if you don’t have one can add up to your costs.

You will need to shop around until you find a printing service that fits your budget, as these services can be quite expensive.

Once you do, print a sample. Before printing a large batch, print a sample copy to check for any issues.

If everything is in order, then proceed to place a bulk order so as to get the best discounts. You will need at least a MOQ of 100 to start enjoying significant discounts.

6) Marketing and distribution

Create a marketing plan: Use social media, book launch events, and press releases to create buzz. Start by identifying your target audience. U

You can use platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to connect with potential readers.

List your book: Get your book listed on online bookstores like Amazon, Nuria, and local bookstores. Partner with local bookstores for physical distribution.

Promote your book: Engage with your audience through book signings, readings, and speaking engagements. Utilize your blog and other platforms for promotion.

Leverage local media: Reach out to local newspapers, radio stations, and TV shows for interviews and book reviews. Collaborate with local bookstores and libraries in Nairobi and other cities to host reading sessions and book signings.

7) Sell your book

Online: Use platforms like Amazon and your own website.

Bookstores: Partner with local bookstores for distribution.

Events: Sell your book at book fairs, literary festivals, and other events.

The business side of publishing

Navigating the business landscape of book publishing in Kenya involves understanding copyrights, and royalties, and deciding on pricing. This ensures that your book is legally protected and profitable.

Understanding royalties:

Typical royalty rates range between 10% to 15% of the book’s sales price for print editions. This is what you will earn when you go through a traditional publisher.

Deciding on pricing and payment methods:

As a self-published author, setting the right price for your book is critical. You want to consider your publishing costs, including printing, distribution, and any down payment required by your printing service.

Ensure the selected payment methods are easily accessible to your target audience in Kenya. Leverage M-Pesa and Airtime Money options.

Marketing and launching your book

To successfully market and launch your book in Kenya, it’s essential to create a strong marketing strategy and plan an effective book launch event.

This helps maximize your reach and boost your book sales.

Creating an effective marketing strategy

Start by identifying your target audience, then use relevant social media platforms such as FacebookTwitter, and Instagram to connect with potential readers.

  • Share engaging content about your book, such as excerpts, behind-the-scenes stories, and author insights.
  • Consider setting up an author or book blog where you can write about topics related to your book. This not only attracts readers but also helps improve your online presence.
  • Utilize email marketing to keep in touch with your audience. Send regular updates, sneak peeks, and exclusive offers to your subscribers.
  • Collaborate with local bookstores and libraries in Nairobi and other cities to host reading sessions and book signings.
  • Partner with book clubs and literary groups to spread the word about your book.
  • Make your book available on online platforms ensuring it is easily accessible as an eBook or a paperback.

Planning your book launch event

A well-planned book launch can significantly boost your book’s visibility. Choose a venue that reflects the theme of your book, such as a bookstore, library, or a cozy café in Nairobi.

Promoting the event through social media and email invitations can ensure a good turnout.

Also, be sure to invite media, bloggers, and influencers to attend and cover your event.

  • Create a detailed event schedule.
  • Include a book reading session, a Q&A segment, and a book signing opportunity.
  • Consider using live streaming options to reach a wider audience who cannot attend in person.
  • Ensure you have plenty of copies available and create an attractive display to showcase your work.
  • Offer special promotions or discounts during the event.

This can encourage more attendees to purchase your book.

Publishing a book in Kenya can be a rewarding journey. With careful planning and execution, you can successfully bring your book to market and reach your readers.


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